Clive Taylor
You have way too much time on your hands...
About Me
Thank you for stopping by. Now, for what you came for...
Although both my parents were born and raised in the United Kingdom, I was born in the United States. I was raised, educated in public schools and college, and worked most of my professional life in Texas. I was employed for the majority of my career by various contractors to the NASA Johnson Space Center supporting the shuttle program until illness forced my early retirement. I still live in the area in which I grew up.
I have faced many challenges throughout my life - a few self-inflicted - but most were "luck of the draw," or as I like to say: Shit Happens!
The following pages offer some detail into what makes me tick, and the challenges I've faced.
Things That Make Me Tick
More Things That Make Me Tick
Challenges of the Life I Live, and Love
I have been blessed during my five decades of existance with a loving family, friends and quality medical personnel who have helped me survive and thrive in spite of many serious medical problems. I have been dealing with life as a tetraplegic for the past decade and half, as well as all the complications that follow: pressure sores, respiratory problems, autonomic disreflexia, osteoporosis and fractures, infections, circulatory problems, and cardiovascular disease. I shouldn't forget cancer and lupus - I guess I'm an overachiever!
Despite all that, I wouldn't trade this life for any other.
Thanks for taking the time to hear me out! I hope you are as blessed as I am.
Clive Taylor
Local Interstellar Cloud, Local Bubble, Orion–Cygnus Arm, Milky WayE-mail: clivetaylor@gmail.com